Thank you for visiting my site!
Above you'll find links to a few of the websites that I've built.
The first project is a Punnett square calculator I built for fun for a biology class I was taking.
The second project is a matrix calculator that calculates determinants, adjoints, and transposes. I wrote this program in Python originally (so I could put it on my TI-84 to calculate adjoints) but then re-wrote it in JavaScript to put it on my site.
The third project is a website I built for a local roller hockey rink to sell tickets for their open skate nights.
The fourth project was built in five days for the Snap Engineering Academy assessment.
All projects were written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. For the ticket site project, the backend is written in PHP (with SQL).
On my GitHub you can find things I've worked on and works-in-progress.
Thanks again for checking out my site!